EPFD respond to attempted suicide on N. Veterans overpass
Jose G. Landa
Staff writer
The tragic attempted suicide of a 16 year-old female prompted the Eagle Pass Police and Fire Department personnel to rush to North Veterans Blvd. at approximately 11:45pm on Thursday March 29.
Police units responded to the scene where it was reported that a female had jumped off the Veterans Boulevard overpass.
MVA haunts traffic on overpass
A tractor trailer crashed into the guard rail of the N. Veterans’s Blvd. overpass Friday morning, ending up on the opposite side of the roadway and haulting traffic. The Eagle Pass Police Dept. responded to the scene to control traffic and assisited in the removal of the 18-wheeler. There were no serious injuries as a result of the collision.
Young man attempts suicide on overpass
At approximately 4:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Eagle Pass Police Department officers responded to an emergency call involving an 18-year-old man who was reported to be on top of the Garrison Boulevard overpass, threatening to jump off.