Evie Rodriguez

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Staff -Eagle Pass

Personnel at the Maverick County Hospital District were on hand at the Offices of Eliaz Maldonado, County Commissioner of Precinct 1 on Thursday where they held a conference for women on the importance of preventing cervical cancer and breast cancer.      These types of illnesses have been seen prevalently in Eagle Pass and it is important that Eagle Passans receive the proper screenings and exams in order to be preventative and proactive in the early detection of these deadly conditions.      Julissa Recio informed The News Gram that this information can be obtained by coming by the offices of the Maverick County Hospital District on any day of the week.      People can get these exams free or if they qualify at very low prices.  No price is too large when you're talking of saving a life.      Recio closed by saying that these programs are vital and important and women should be well informed and should know the risks of these types of cancer.

Staff -Eagle Pass  

A very different type of rescue was affected by the US Border Patrol in Eagle Pass when agents saved the life of a dog who was stranded in the middle of the Rio Grande for six long days near International Bridge II.     

According to information provided to The News Gram by Daniela Flores of the Animal Protection Association in Eagle Pass, the rescued pooch answers to the name of 'Vakita' and had left its home in Piedras Negras unbeknownst to its owners until it was discovered on Thursday afternoon in the middle of the river, cold and alone.     

The family said to have contacted authorities on the Mexican side but did not get much if any of a response.     

After seeing the situation rather bleak, the family asked to see if US authorities would assist them in some way and this is when Border Patrol agents came to the rescue of the poor canine and Vakita was rescued and returned to her family.     

Along with the Border Patrol, a large contingent of agencies aided in the rescue including Project COMPANION, the EPFD, and EPPD among other well wishers and people who watched the events unfold.      One of the agents mentioned the fact that the current right now is very strong and it was a small miracle that the small dog even reached the inlet to safety.





Heart Health Starts With a Healthy Lifestyle

Thursday, 07 February 2013 17:25 Published in SALUD



It’s easy to understand that the key to a healthy heart is a healthy lifestyle. What’s not so easy is setting healthy goals and sticking to them. Experts at Baylor College of Medicine ( suggest making small changes and taking it day by day so you don’t get overwhelmed. “Think of the good choices you can make today. A good place to start is by understanding where you are currently in terms of health,” said Dr. John Foreyt, professor of medicine – atherosclerosis and vascular medicine at BCM ( “Talking with your doctor is important to find out what goals you should be setting, is it losing weight, or lowering your cholesterol or blood pressure?” Another tip to help you review your current habits includes writing down what you eat, and at the end of the day or even week you can review what food choices you’ve made. Do the same with your activities or exercises. This will help you see how many calories you are consuming or burning on a daily or weekly basis. There are many online tools and smart device apps that can help make this process more convenient. “Once you know where you stand in terms of health, you can start slowly,” Foreyt said. “Focus on what you can do today to get on the right track and reach your goals.”


Other tips include:

-Eat breakfast – people who eat breakfast are more likely to make better food choices throughout the day. -Cut back on portion size during your next meal – don’t make drastic diet changes you will not be able to keep. -Tell someone today you want to start making healthier choices – this will help to create a support system as you find others who are also looking to make healthy changes. -Go to bed earlier tonight – the body needs seven to nine hours of sleep a night. -Go for a walk this evening – start small, maybe just 10 minutes, and gradually work your way to longer walks. -Weigh yourself today – The number on the scale doesn’t necessarily indicate your health, but it could help you make better food and exercise decisions throughout the day. “Small changes are less overwhelming,” said Foreyt. “Another good tip is to remember that every day is a new day and a new opportunity to make good choices.”

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