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Wednesday, 07 March 2018 22:17

4 local run-off elections in May

Maverick County Democratic primary election results include 4 local runoff races to be settled in the month of May. Early voting will be from May 14 -18 with election day set for May 22.
In total there were 9,086 votes cast or a 29 % voter participation.

Published in March 2018
Thursday, 22 February 2018 20:05

845 votes cast on first days of early elections

Jose G. Landa
Staff writer
 Tuesday February, 20 marked the start of the March primary election and turned out to be an eventful day with various incidents occurring in which the Eagle Pass Police Department had to be called in to keep the peace.

Published in February 2018
Monday, 19 February 2018 15:41

Early election begins February 20

  The March Electoral primaries are 2 days away, with early voting to begin on February 20 and ending on March 2. Election day will be on Tu esday , March 6 .
  In total they’re approximately 31,000 registered voters but the minority of those registered actually come out and cast their vote in any election.
Voters are encouraged to participate.
  Up to now there have been 449 mail-in ballots sent out . February 23 is the last date to request a ballot in this form.
 The Maverick County Elections Department does inform that as of November 11 the beginning of political inscription for this race there have been 1,152 new people registered to vote.
   Locally there are over 30 candidates and 300 statewide candidates that are vying for one of the 14 local positions up for grabs in the march primaries. Among the heated races is the Maverick County Judge election , which has incumbent Judge David R. Saucedo seeking reelection. Saucedo is being challenged by Rudy Bowles and Gloria Hernandez.
  Another of the important races is for the seat of 293rd Judicial District Judge which has three local attorneys as candidates including Maribel Flores, Ricardo Ramos and Cecilia Mascorro. Among the local positions up for grabs are all the Justice of the Peace seats,and two commissioner positions as well. Early Voting Period Kicks- Off on Tuesday, February 20th, at the City of Eagle Pass Multi- Purpose Center from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.
   Voters are reminded to bring a valid Identification Card/ Drivers License to go vote.


Inicia el voto anticipado el martes 20 


Las primarias electorales de marzo están por empezar y la votación anticipada  sera del 20 de febrero y finalizará el 2 de marzo. Día de las elecciones será el martes 6 de marzo.  En total, son aproximadamente 31,000 votantes registrado s, pero la minoría de los registrados realmente sale y emiten su voto en cualquier elección. Se alienta a los vo tantes a participar.
  Hasta ahora se han enviado 449 Boletas por correo. El 23
de febrero es la última fecha para solicitar una boleta en esta forma.
 El Departamento de Elecciones del Condado de Maverick informa que a partir del 11 de noviembre, el comienzo de la inscripción política para esta carrera, ha habido 1.152 nuevas personas registradas para votar
A nivel local, hay más de 30 candidatos y 300 candidatos
a nivel estatal que están compitiendo por uno de los 14 puestos locales en juego en las primarias de marzo.
Entre las carreras acaloradas está la elección del Juez del Condado de Maverick, que tiene al Juez  David R. Saucedo buscando la reelección. Saucedo está siendo desafiado por Rudy Bowles y Gloria Hernández.
 Otra de las carreras importantes es para la sede del Juez 293 del Distrito Judicial, que tiene tres abogados locales como candidatos, incluyendo a Maribel Flores, Ricardo Ramos y Cecilia Mascorro. Entre los puestos locales en juego están todos los puestos de Juez de  Paz, y dos puestos de Comisionados también.
Comienzo del período de votación anticipada el martes 20 de febrero en el Multipurpose Center desde las 8 a.m. a las 5 p.m.

Published in February 2018

25 individuals have registered to run for one of the 14 elected positions available in the March 2018 primary elections.

Published in November 2017

The deadline to register for the March 2018 primary elections is counting down.

Published in November 2017

The registration period for the 2018 Maverick County elections in  March is fast approaching.

Published in October 2017
Wednesday, 26 April 2017 21:30

County elections continue


The Maverick County $8.5 million Certificates of Obligation election has had a steady amount of residents casting their vote during the first two days of the very important and highly contested proposal.  

Published in May 2013
Monday, 24 April 2017 20:38

Early voting for city and county begin


   Monday, April 24 was the first day of early voting for both the Maverick County $8.5 million bond election, and the City of Eagle Pass officials elections. 

   As of press time, the number of ballots submitted was 238.

   The separation of the election races centralized at two different locations could affect the race outcomes and participation.

    The average number of voters for city elections is about 20 percent of the total registered voters.  

  A review of the 2013 Mayoral election shows that 2,979, or only 20 percent of the qualified registered voters in the city limits, participated in the election process. Mayor Cantu easily won his re-election in 2013 with 2,102 votes. 

   The Maverick County Voter Registration list currently shows that approximately 15,000 of registered voters live within Eagle Pass City limits, making them eligible to vote in the mayoral race. The total amount of registered voters in the county stands at 30,000. 

    A large number of people are expected to vote in the county elections with some predicting up to 6,000 votes in this very important and heated local issue.  When considering the amount of signatures that the group of  concerned taxpayers were able to collect for the petition against the $8.5 million, and the the average 3,000 voters who partake in elections, voter turnout could be high.







Inició  votación temprana  en condado y ciudad


Satff reports


Ayer Lunes 24 de abril fue el primer día de votación anticipada para las elecciones de bonos del condado Maverick de $ 8.5 millones y para las elecciones de los funcionarios de la Ciudad de Eagle Pass.

   En cuanto a la prensa, el número de personas que habían emitido sus votos para ambas elecciones fue bajo, en comparación con las elecciones celebradas en noviembre.

   La separación de las elecciones centralizadas en dos lugares diferentes podría afectar los resultados de la carrera y la participación.

  El promedio de votantes para las elecciones municipales es de alrededor del 20 por ciento de los votantes registrados.

Ayer hasta la 1p.m. el numero de votantes fue en el condado 187, y en la ciudad 92.

Una revisión de la elección  para Alcalde en 2013 muestra que 2.979, o sólo el 20 por ciento de los votantes registrados calificados en los límites de la ciudad, participaron en el proceso electoral. El alcalde Cantu fácilmente ganó su reelección en 2013 con 2,102 votos.

   La lista de Registro de Votantes del Condado de Maverick muestra actualmente que aproximadamente 15,000 de votantes registrados viven dentro de los límites de la Ciudad de Eagle Pass, haciéndolos elegibles para votar en la carrera de alcalde. La cantidad total de votantes registrados en el condado es de 30.000.

   En cuanto al condado, el número de personas que se espera votar está en los 6,000 votos emitidos, al considerar la cantidad de firmas que el grupo de contribuyentes involucrados pudo recaudar para la petición contra los 8.5 millones de dólares y el promedio de 3.000 votantes que participan en la elección.


Published in May 2013

Jaclyn Guzmán

Staff Writer


Taxpayers continue to write to county officials for answers as to why the tax rate rollback petition was not validated when the members of the Secretary of State Elections division has said that the signatures were miscalculated.

Published in May 2013

The group of concerned Maverick County tax payers has confirmed that they had enough signatures for their petition to be valid after communicating with the state government.

Published in May 2013
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