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Tuesday, 03 April 2018 19:45

Hospitals to install Cath Lab

The Fort Duncan Regional Medical Centers in partnership with Maverick County Hospital District are in the process of installing a Cath Lab and pursuing the recruitment of a Cardiologist here in Eagle Pass.
 During a recent meeting, Eladio Montalvo CEO of Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center presented this information to the public.

Published in April 2018

Jose G. Landa

Staff Writer


The Maverick County Sheriff Department and Eagle Pass Fire Department Emergency Medical Technicians responded to a motor vehicle accident involving an Eagle Pass Independent School District Bus at approximately 4:30 pm on Monday, December 18. 

Published in December 2017

Jose G. Landa

Staff Writer


The Eagle Pass Police and Fire Department responded to an emergency call at approximately 11:00 a.m. on Friday, October 6 on Main Street in front of Burger King.

Published in October 2017

Jose G. Landa

Staff Writer


The Eagle Pass Police and Fire Department responded to an emergency call at approximately 11:00 a.m. on Friday, October 6 on Main Street in front of Burger King.

Published in October 2017

Jaclyn Guzmán

Staff writer


Three people were transferred to Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center after a collision on 277 N near Quemado.

Published in May 2013

Jose G. Landa

Cancer has a tragic impact across the country. During 2016, an estimated 1,550,000 cases of cancer were diagnosed in the United States, and approximately 580,000 people died from the disease. 

Published in May 2013
Monday, 30 January 2017 22:56

24 transferred to ER after chemical spill

The chemical spill that occurred at the El Indio UMC location on Friday, January 27 resulted in 24 people being sent to the Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center ER.

Published in May 2013



Maverick County Hospital District Breast and Cervical Cancer Program collaborated with HOPE-K Tri-National, Office of Border Health, City of Eagle Pass and Luby’s to host the first Bi-National Cervical Cancer Awareness Event with Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras in 2017. The event was held at International Center for Trade on January 12. Guest speakers included Dr. Carlos Hernandez, Southwestern Medical Clinic and Director of Breast and Cervical Cancer Committee and Dr. Minerva Contreras-Moreno, Coordinator de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva of Piedras Negras, Coahuila. Presentations were also conducted by Kathy Vidal and Amber Auces of MCHD-Breast and Cervical Cancer Services program. Participants were provided educational information on the importance of annual screening services for cervical cancer/breast cancer. 


In addition to the presentations, there were several agencies in attendance to share information on women’s health, beauty and social services including UMC; Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center; Southwestern Medical Clinic; Maverick County Medical; Candles for Life; Wintergarden Women’s Shelter; Nuvani of Eagle Pass; Avon; and Younique.


The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2017 about 12, 820 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed, and about 4,120 women will die from cervical cancer.  In the United States, Hispanic women are most likely to get cervical cancer.

Regular screening is the best way to detect breast and cervical cancer in its earliest stages. Over the last 40 years, the cervical cancer death rate has gone down by more than 50 percent. The main reason for this change was the increased use of the Pap test. 


Most cases of cervical cancer are found in women between 20 and 50 years old. However, about 20 percent of cervical cancers are found in women older than 65. These cancers, however, rarely occur in women who have been getting regular tests for cervical cancer before they were 65.

Services available at the BCCS clinic include clinical breast exams, mammograms, pelvic exams and pap tests, diagnostic services, Cervical Dysplasia services, and Help with Medicaid for breast and cervical cancer applications.


MCHD BCCS Program provides no cost breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services to women. Those who qualify for free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services must live in Texas, be 18 or older, not have health insurance, and have an income of less than $1980 for a family of one; $2670 for a family of two; $3360 for a family of three; $4050 for a family of four; $4740 for a family of five; $5430 for a family of six; or $6122 for a family of seven.


The BCCS clinic is located at the Maverick County Hospital District at 3406 Bob Rogers Drive, Suite 250. For more information call (830) 757- 4950 or (830) 773-1460.




MCHD en primer evento bi-nacional de  cáncer cervical


   El Programa de Cáncer de Mama y Cervicales del Distrito de Hospitales del Condado de Maverick colaboró ​​con HOPE-K Tri-National, Oficina de Salud Fronteriza, Ciudad de Eagle Pass y Luby's fueron los anfitriónes del primer Evento Binacional de Concientización Cervical Cervical con Eagle Pass y Piedras Negras en 2017. Se celebró en el Centro Internacional de Comercio el 12 de enero. Entre los oradores invitados estuvieron el Dr. Carlos Hernández, de la Clínica Médica del Suroeste y Director del Comité de Cáncer de Mama y Cuello Uterino y la Dra. Minerva Contreras-Moreno, Coordinadora de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva de Piedras Negras, Coahuila . Las presentaciones también fueron realizadas por Kathy Vidal y Amber Auces del programa MCHD-Breast and Cervical Cancer Services. 

Se brindó a los participantes información educativa sobre la importancia de los servicios anuales de detección del cáncer cervical / cáncer de mama.

  Además de las presentaciones, hubo varias agencias presentes para compartir información sobre salud de la mujer, servicios sociales y de belleza, incluyendo UMC; Centro Médico Regional de Fort Duncan; Clínica Médica Southwestern; Maverick County Medical; Velas para toda la vida; Refugio de las mujeres de Wintergarden; Nuvani de Eagle Pass; Avon; Y Younique.

   La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer estima que en 2017 se diagnosticarán alrededor de 12.820 nuevos casos de cáncer cervical invasivo y alrededor de 4.120 mujeres morirán de cáncer de cuello uterino. En los Estados Unidos, es más probable que las mujeres hispanas tengan cáncer cervical.

   La detección regular es la mejor manera de detectar el cáncer de mama y de cuello uterino en sus etapas más tempranas. En los últimos 40 años, la tasa de mortalidad por cáncer cervical ha disminuido en más del 50 por ciento. La razón principal de este cambio fue el aumento del uso de la prueba de Papanicolau.

   La mayoría de los casos de cáncer cervical se encuentran en mujeres entre 20 y 50 años de edad. Sin embargo, alrededor del 20 por ciento de los cánceres cervicales se encuentran en mujeres mayores de 65 años. Estos cánceres, sin embargo, rara vez ocurren en mujeres que han estado recibiendo pruebas regulares de cáncer cervical antes de los 65 años.

   Los servicios disponibles en la clínica del BCCS incluyen exámenes clínicos de mamas, mamografías, exámenes pélvicos y pruebas de papanicolau, servicios de diagnóstico, servicios de displasia cervical y ayuda con Medicaid para aplicaciones de cáncer de mama y de cuello uterino.

   MCHD BCCS programa ofrece sin costo de detección de cáncer de mama y el cáncer de cuello uterino y servicios de diagnóstico para las mujeres. Aquellos que reúnan los requisitos para recibir servicios gratuitos de detección y diagnóstico de cáncer de mama y de cuello uterino deben vivir en Texas, tener 18 años o más, no tener seguro de salud y tener un ingreso de menos de $ 1,980 para una familia de uno; $ 2,670 para una familia de dos; $ 3,360 para una familia de tres; $ 4,050 para una familia de cuatro; $ 4,740 para una familia de cinco; $ 5,430 para una familia de seis; o $ 6,122 para una familia de siete.

   La clínica del BCCS está ubicada en el Distrito del Hospital del Condado de Maverick en 3406 Bob Rogers Drive, Suite 250. Para más información llame al (830) 757-4950 ó (830) 773-1460.

Published in May 2013
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