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Wednesday, 21 March 2018 21:41

City Council discuss water fee raise

The Eagle Pass City Council held a public hearing on Tuesday March 20 to discuss the imposition of a water impact fee within the City of Eagle Pass Corporate Boundaries and extraterritorial jurisdiction to benefit the Eagle Pass Water Works System and its Capital Improvement projects.

Published in March 2018
Friday, 12 January 2018 20:43

Walmart employees get raises

Jose G. Landa
Staff writer


Walmart, it is about to increase its starting wage from $ 9 to $ 11 per hour and also provide employees bonuses at all of its stores across the United States including in Eagle Pass.

Published in January 2018

By Peggy O’Hare

San Antonio Express News


San Antonio City Council today approved a new law prohibiting merchants in the city limits from selling tobacco products to anyone under 21 years old.
San Antonio is the first city in Texas to enact such a law. Five states and more than 280 cities in other states have approved similar measures.

Published in January 2018
Wednesday, 23 August 2017 20:52

Teachers upset with false promise of raise

Eagle Pass Independent School District employees are expressing their discontent with the percent of salary increase they will receive this school year which they state is a 2.9 percent increase; nowhere near the percentage they were told they'd be receiving as part of the Tax Ratification Election that was recently approved by the community.

A small group of employees including teachers were present at the EPISD Board of Trustees meeting held on Tuesday, August 22, but did not formally address the board.

However some employees did speak out about the issue.

"They promised us a 6 percent increase when they were pushing the TRE approval. We are only receiving 2.9% increase. This is a farce," said a one teacher.

"The disdain that they have towards us is something that needs to stop. Again you have promises that are not kept," said another employee.

The Eagle Pass Independent School District, under the direction of Superintendent Gilbert Gonzalez, approved a 4 percent increase for administrators, paraprofessionals and manual trade employees. The 4 percent pay increase for classroom teacher included a $570 step increase.






Maestros disgustados por promesa falsa de aumento


Jose G. Landa


   Los empleados del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass están expresando su descontento con el porcentaje de aumento de sueldo que recibirán este año escolar, el cual afirman que es un aumento del 2.9% mucho mas bajo que les dijeron que recibirían como parte de la Elección de Ratificación de Impuestos que fue recientemente aprobado por la comunidad.

  Un pequeño grupo de empleados, incluyendo maestros, estuvieron presente en la reunión del Consejo de Administración de EPISD el martes 22 de agosto, pero no se dirigieron formalmente al directorio.

 Sin embargo, algunos empleados expresaron su deacuerdo sobre el tema.

 "Nos prometieron un aumento del 6% cuando estaban pidiendo la aprobación del TRE, sólo estamos recibiendo un aumento del 2.9%, esto es una farsa" dijo un maestro.

 "El desprecio que tienen hacia nosotros es algo que debe detenerse, y de nuevo tienes promesas que no se cumplen" dijo otro empleado.

 El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass, bajo la dirección del Superintendente Gilbert González, aprobó un aumento del 4% para los administradores, paraprofesionales y empleados de comercio. El aumento de salario del 4% para los maestros de clase incluyó un incremento de costo de vida de $570 que se agregó a un aumento de 2.9% en el salario.

Published in May 2013

Jaclyn Guzmán

Staff Writer


The Eagle Pass Independent School District Board of Trustees had their first budget workshop at a special meeting Tuesday evening where several key items were discussed including a 3.1% pay raise for employees. 

Published in May 2013
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