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Ruben Carrillo

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It’s hard to stick to a low-calorie diet day after day to lose weight, but new research shows you don’t have to, says Dr. Susie Rockway, a veteran nutritional and biochemical expert in the U.S. health industry. “Recent studies show you can lose 10 to 30 pounds in eight weeks through alternate-day fasting,” she says. “Every other day, dieters in the study ate only lunch – no breakfast or dinner – between noon and 2 p.m. The following day, they could eat whatever they wanted.

TEXAS– As summer winds down, families in Texas are beginning to prepare for the new school year. A new school environment can sometimes be difficult for children with asthma. This back-to-school season, the American Lung Association highlights tips for families of children with asthma and stresses the importance of crafting a plan to properly manage asthma in a school environment.



A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


The Board of Directors of the Eagle Pass Housing Authority made a bold move in ousting Executive Director Carla Y. Mancha at their Regular Board Meeting held on Thursday.

After going into executive session for over an hour and forty five minutes to discuss legal matters, the board reconvened at 8:21 P.M. to open a review of Mancha's contract when board member Ricardo Calderon moved for the board not to take action on this item at this time which died on the floor for lack of a second.

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