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No full House: Absences abound on Texas road vote

Thursday, 01 August 2013 20:33 Published in May 2013

PAUL J. WEBER, Associated Press AUSTIN, Texas (AP) —

Gov. Rick Perry isn't letting lawmakers leave until they deliver more spending for congested Texas highways so drivers can get where they're going. But there's one growing problem: simply getting lawmakers to the Capitol to vote.

Edward Snowden got asylum in Russia, lawyer says

Thursday, 01 August 2013 20:30 Published in May 2013

VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV, Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) — National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden left transit zone of a Moscow airport and entered Russia after authorities granted him temporary asylum, his lawyer said Thursday. Anatoly Kucherena said that Snowden's whereabouts will be kept secret for security reasons.

O.J. Simpson now waits for ruling on new trial

Thursday, 01 August 2013 20:27 Published in May 2013


SANDRA CHEREB, Associated Press CARSON CITY, Nev.—

After five years behind bars, O.J. Simpson has won a small victory with a Nevada Board of Parole Commissioners decision — but the former NFL star won't likely be leaving prison anytime soon.

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