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EPISD Board Approves Accelerated Program Featured

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A.D. Ibarra



-Eagle Pass



In a special meeting of the EPISD Board of Trustees, a move to what has been deemed an accelerated program will be implemented at the secondary level at Eagle Pass and CC Winn High Schools. Sources report that the move will happen as soon as next school year and preparations are being made to adjust master schedules, records and bell schedules for a four to five period school day as opposed to the present nine period day at the high school level. Students will remain in class for a period of 80 minutes per class period and will complete an entire year of required subject matter in one semester and should they be lacking a credit from the year before, they will be required to take that course a second time, but now in the accelerated format, thus allowing students to complete graduation requirements sooner.

A group of teachers, department heads, administrators looked over the positive aspects of such a change which included less class transitions, more focus on the objectives within the scope of the curriculum in a shorter time frame, less books, notebooks and materials to take home among other points. Some of the negative points revolved around elective courses such as band, DECA (In which the students are released early daily to go to work), ROTC as well as other courses which require year-round attendance. Principals Rudy Bowles and Jesus Diaz-Wever were asked to make presentations to their staffs' approach to acclimating and implementing the change. As much as teachers participated and made note of the positive aspects of such a change, they asked for the patience of administration when adapting to the new system as it will be a learning process for both teachers and students. According to Samuel Mijares, Assistant Superintendent, the program has been in place in San Antonio , Laredo and other schools in South Texas. When the workshop concluded, the board put the matter to a vote and by unanimous decision, the accelerated program was approved and will be implemented next year.




Last modified on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 23:20

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