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Por José G Landa
El Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass informó que un hombre de 30 años se suicidó en su residencia el jueves por la noche.
Trágicamente, este individuo se quitó la vida durante septiembre, reconocido como el mes de concientización sobre el suicidio.
Este es el quinto suicidio en nuestra comunidad este año.Los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley instan a cualquiera que tenga problemas a buscar ayuda.
Puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass al (830) 773-9044 o con el Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Maverick al (830) 773-2321.
Si usted o un ser querido necesita ayuda, puede llamar a la línea nacional de ayuda contra el suicidio al 988.
30-Yr-Old Male Commits Suicide
The Eagle Pass Police Department reported that a 30-year-old male committed suicide at his residence on Thursday night.
Chief Garza stated that the individual has taken his own life by hanging himself in the home's restroom.
Garza Aldo took the time to offer his condolences to the victim's family.
Tragically, this individual took his own life during September, which is recognized as Suicide Awareness Month.
This is the 5th suicide in our community this year.Law enforcement officials do urge anyone having issues to look for help.
You can reach out to the Eagle Pass Police Department at (830)773-9044 or Maverick County Sheriff’s Department at (830) 773-2321.
If you or a loved one needs assistance you can call the national suicide hotline at 988.
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