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Meager Local Voter Participation On Amendments

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Meager Local Voter Participation On Amendments





Even though early voting in Maverick County show a lack of concern for the Constitutional Amendments and with a historical low turnout of only 58 voters, November 5, is an important election day for Texas and Maverick County. All nine constitutional amendments on the Nov. 5 ballot are worthy of the support of Maverick County voters, but three in particular should encourage everyone to get to the polls on Election Day.

Proposition 6 on the Nov. 5 ballot would provide $2 billion from the Rainy Day Fund to the State Water Plan, creating a low-interest loan program to finance some 560 water supply projects on a revolving basis over the next 50 years. Proposition 6 is not a major step in securing water supply for Texas. Our legislators should not raid the Rainy Day Fund for favored projects; Education programs were not even considered.

Proposition 1 and Proposition 4 are designed to help veterans and their families; I strongly encourage our local voters to support these two.

Under current state law, veterans who are 100 percents disable due to their military service are exempt from paying property taxes; Proposition 1 would extend that exemption to the spouse of a soldier killed in battle.

Proposition 4 would provide a partial property tax exemption for home donated to disabled veterans by non-profit groups. The amount of the tax credit would equal the veteran’s disability. For example, a veteran who is 80 percent disable would get an 80 percent property tax break.

Supporting these two amendments is a great way to honor Texas veterans, make sure you vote on Election Day.

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