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MCHD Board of Directors meet on Wednesday

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A.D. Ibarra

-MCHD Conference Room


The latest meeting of the Maverick County Hospital District Board of Directors was held on Wednesday at the MCHD Conference Room.

Several key items were presentations by Richard Prati, CEO of the Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center and Joel Morales Chief Financial Officer of the FDRMC who presented the third UC quarterly report as well as Don Williams who spoke on the possibility of the MCHD joining local law enforcement agencies in the application process for a joint grant to address the concerns of health and education in our community.

An update on the sale of the Bibb Street property was given and Jose Aranda of Realty Executives was on hand to answer any questions fielded by the board in reference to the request for bids.

The delegation of check signing duties was passed 2-1 with one abstention as board member Humberto Duran, who serves as treasurer for the board, cannot sign checks made out to United Medical Centers.  Duran adamantly denied ay such transactions have taken place.

Next on the agenda was the Ryan White Program Fiscal Audit Report which was made by Interim CEO William Worrell.  Worrell assured the board that of the six inconsistencies included within the context of the report, all but one has since been addressed and resolved and he expects it to be fixed by mid-May.

The Financial Report was made by Terri Contreras who informed the board that cash equivalents total over $20 million and she expects the deficit or over expenditures to run o about or near $1 million, which is down from last year's total of over $2.5 million.

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