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EPISD Graduation Press Release

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Eagle Pass High School  Graduation Ceremony 


Ceremonies will be held on Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 8:00 PM. at the EPISD Student Activity Center (Football field).

In Case of inclement weather graduation ceremony will be rescheduled to take place on Sunday, June 7 2015 10:00 AM at the EPISD Student Activity Center (football field). Incase of inclement weather continues on Sunday June 7, 2015 the graduation will be cancelled. Students would then would pick up their diplomas on Monday at the EPHS Administration Office.

In order to accommodate a large number of attendees, be advised that an alternate route and entrance is available the day of the ceremony.  The gate off Loop 480 East of the Stadium will be open to expedite traffic.  Ceremonies will begin promptly at 8:00 PM.



C. C. Winn High School  Graduation Ceremony 


Ceremonies will be held on  Friday June 5 2015 8:00 PM at the EPISD Student Activity Center (Football field) In Case of Inclement Weather Graduation Ceremony will be rescheduled to take place on Saturday June 6, 2015, at 10:00 AM at the EPISD Student Activity Center (Football Field) In case of inclement weather continues on Saturday, the gradiation will be cancelled. Students would then pick up their diplomas on Monday at CC Winn Administration office.

In order to accommodate a large number of attendees, be advised that an alternate route and entrance is available the day of the ceremony.  The gate off Loop 480 East of the Stadium will be open to expedite traffic.  Ceremonies will begin promptly at 8:00 PM.

Last modified on Thursday, 28 May 2015 16:16

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