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Concerned citizens call for correction of county tax rate

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 A group of concerned Maverick County citizens brought to light a mistake in the calculation of the 2016 approved tax rate. As a result, the raise in county taxes that has upset many residents may be reduced, as recent findings indicate that the county has in fact miscalculated their property rate tax. 

According to the 2016 Rollback tax rate worksheet general fund, Maverick County reported having collected $3,040,863 in sales taxes, but on the 2016 additional sales tax rate worksheet it was reported that the sales tax revenue was $0.

On the additional sales tax rate worksheet, it is clearly stated that “a taxing unit that adopted the additional sales tax must complete the lines for the Additional Sales Tax Rate.” Maverick County has been collecting sales taxes for over 25 years, and yet did not include them in the document.

By not including this information, the county over calculated the total property tax rate by approximately $0.13 per $100 value, which would make the rate $0.45 cents instead of the $0.58 at which the rate is currently set.  

Isamari Villarreal, Maverick County Tax Assessor/Collector, was not able to verify this information but did inform us that, at the suggestion of legal counsel, there would be information released in reference to this miscalculation at a later date. 

Currently county citizens are calling for a rollback petition to force an election to reduce the tax rate. 

Maverick County Commissioners’ Court will hold a meeting on Thursday, September 27 in which they will hold an executive session to discuss and possibly modify the budget and tax rate.

Last modified on Tuesday, 27 September 2016 20:53

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