Those against the law, including Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber and PCT. 3 Constable Mario Hernandez, state that the law is discriminatory, and they will fight it through the courts system.
LULAC National Legal Counsel Luis Roberto Vera represents both Schmerber and Hernandez, and now Maverick County which proceeded to adjoin the lawsuit filed by Raul Reyes, Mayor of El Cenizo, a small town community that resisted and has challenged the law since day one. Other Texas cities such as San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, Austin, El Paso have since joined into the fight, with even more expected to stand up against the law, said Vera.
Recently Legal Counsel Luis Vera spoke to the News Gram about the ongoing issue and some of the steps that will be taken.
“We’re completely against it. At this point a date for an injunction hearing we have requested has been set with Federal Judicial Judge Orlando Luis Garcia to take place on June 26 in San Antonio, Texas. This injunction, if we were to prevail in this phase of the proceedings, would halt SB4 from taking effect on September of this year,” said Vera. “This cause has all eyes on it, not just in the states but across the world because this is the first time that a state government tries to say through an order the every law enforcement official has to now play the role of an immigration official.This cause is very important because it puts it all on the line of conflict with the U.S. Constitution that states that only the federal government can act upon immigration causes, nobody else. We’re only asking the court to follow what the constitution states.”
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Jose G. Landa
Staff Writer
Maverick County and other communities across the state are on the verge of a showdown regarding what people have come to know as the Show Me Your Papers (SB4) Law.
Read 393
Published in
May 2013