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No date has been set for court case against JP Perez

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-Eagle Pass



As of Monday, there has been no date set in the case of Justice of the Peace Cesar Perez, Elisa Martinez and Martha Zamarripa who were arrested on Friday on two State charges of theft by a public servant and engaging in organized criminal activity.

The three individuals were allowed to regain their liberty on $12,000.00 bond.

According to authorities, a Grand Jury made a formal accusation on December 14th, 2012 and the arrests were affected on Friday, January 11th of this year.

According to official documents provided by the District Court, a Grand Jury assembled in July of 2012 accused Cesar Perez, Martha Zamarripa and Elisa Martinez of the aforementioned charges.

According to the accusation, the illicit conduct began on or before August 20th of 2007 and continued on or after October 3rd of 2008.

In the formal accusation, it is established that the defendants intended to take control or possession of a property which has a value of more than $15,000.00, but less than $20,000.00.  The property belonging to Maverick County, Texas with the intent of establishing, maintaining or participating in the profits of a combination in carrying on said criminal activity.

The official document establishes that the accusation is against Cesar Perez, Justice of the Peace of Precinct 2, Martha Zamarripa and Elisa Martinez who were secretaries of the Justice of the Peace of Precinct 2.


Last modified on Monday, 14 January 2013 20:40

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