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Local law enforcement urge safety during Halloween festivities

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 Local law enforcement agencies are asking the community to be careful during Halloween Trick or Treating. 

   Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber asks those out celebrating the holiday to please be cautious and take safety precautions. 

   Sheriff Schmerber asks you to keep these tips and precautions in mind as you are out and about tonight.

   “During this night we must be careful. Remember that children are more likely to be injured by a motor vehicles than any other night of the year. So please let’s make sure that nothing bad happens,” said Schmerber.

   The Maverick County Sheriff Department asks you to use reflective tape on costumes and treat bags, wear light colors and carry flashlights for extra visibility. Stay away from wearing a costume that obstructs your vision. 

   “Please look all ways and listen for traffic before crossing. Make sure you cross at corners, not between parked cars or mid-block,” added Schmerber. 

   Make sure you walk on sidewalks where available. If there are no sidewalks, always walk facing traffic on the left side of the road.

   For drivers, you’re asked to be extra-careful or avoid driving through residential areas where large groups of trick-or -treaters are out enjoying the holiday. 

   “Please make sure and obey all traffic signals and travel with extreme caution through residential areas,” said Schmerber.

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