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City presents 2040 master plan

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The City of Eagle Pass presented its 2020 master plan during the City Council meeting held on Tuesday, August 6, 2019. 

A Master Plan is a development for the future layout of a city showing both the existing and proposed streets or roads, open spaces and public buildings. A master plan is a blueprint for the future.

City Engineer Vanessa Rosales presented important information regarding the 2040 Master Plan.

Key points in the new plan include focusing in on Economic Performance, Growth Capacity and I n f r a s t r u c t u r e , Transportation Downtown, Housing and Neighborhoods, and Quality of Life and Parks.

“Economic Performance is one of the most important things because it's tied into many other things,” said Rosales. As we grow we have to make sure we're growing in an orderly fashion and have the capacity and infrastructure to help that growth.” added Rosales.

Rosales pointed out the importance of a good transportation plan to assure sound growth.

“We must foster economic development in the downtown area,” said Rosales.

The City does have a Main Street Program that is concentrated on such growth.

Another focal point in the proposed Master Plan is Housing and a structured plan which is tied into a community's success and growth.

“We want people to come to Eagle Pass and stay, so quality of life and parks is one of the most important tools to foster in our community,” said Rosales.

Rosales ended her presentation by detailing how the City must look into land use and preparations as it continues to grow.

The Eagle Pass City Council and Engineer Rosales proceeded to discuss the Master Plan Implementation Action

Tables and how to strategically use every component to continue fostering positive growth in our community.

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