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When Quemado established itself as the only area in Maverick County to uphold prohibition at the turn of the century, they were serious.
The Eagle Pass News Gram caught up with several residents at a recent event held this Thursday who expressed their opinions on the recent approval for a local option election in the ongoing process to be able to sell alcohol in Precinct 3C.
Adrian Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
Sandra Tenorio, Directora Ejecutiva de Comunidades Rurales de Texas, estubo en Eagle Pass, junto con el miembro más reciente, el ex alcalde de Eagle Pass Enrique Montalvo y Judy Canales nueva Directora Ejecutiva Estatal (SED) de la Agencia de USDA de Texas Farm Service (FSA) es la culminación del proceso de concesión cuando Tenorio entregó un cheque de $ 6,000.00 a la organización para la Agricultura juventud local.
-Eagle Pass
A four car pileup was caused by the driver of a 1998 white Pontiac Grand Prix driven by Adrian Rodriguez, 26, who was unable to control his rate of speed while the drivers of units #2-4, a 2014 Gold Chevy Van, an '06 Black Jeep and an '01 Red Ford all slowed down on El Indio Highway.