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A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
The Eagle Pass News Gram recently caught up with developer Paco Mondragon who was at Monday's Commissioner's Court meeting awaiting approval of a much needed traffic light at the corner of Crown Ridge Blvd. and Veteran's Loop.
A.D. Ibarra
-Maverick County Lake
Manuel Reyes, designated D.A.R.E. officer for the Eagle Pass Independent School District, informed The News Gram of the fact that they will be holding their annual graduation activity to culminate a year of Drug Abuse Resistance Education this Saturday.
A.D. Ibarra
-Maverick County
Early Voting for the Democrat Party Run-Off which runs from Monday, May 19 to Friday May 23, 2014 at the Multipurpose Center will have extended hours from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
There will be no special voting day on the Saturday prior to election day.
Additionally, two voting polls in Precinct 4 will be unified: voters in 4A will vote in Precinct 4B, at the Boys and Girls Club located on Second Street.