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Comunicado de Prensa
-Consulado de México
El martes personal de la Patrulla Fronteriza Estación Norte contacto a esta Representación Consular para informar que encontraron un cuerpo sin vida en el área de Seco Creek en el Río Bravo.
A.D. Ibarra
-MCHD Conference Room
The latest meeting of the Maverick County Hospital District Board of Directors was held on Wednesday at the MCHD Conference Room.
Several key items were presentations by Richard Prati, CEO of the Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center and Joel Morales Chief Financial Officer of the FDRMC who presented the third UC quarterly report as well as Don Williams who spoke on the possibility of the MCHD joining local law enforcement agencies in the application process for a joint grant to address the concerns of health and education in our community.
A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass & Nine County Area
Supervisory Special Agent John E. Gonzalez informed The News Gram of the highly successful pill take back campaign which was held across South Texas this past weekend which managed to keep almost 350 Lbs. of unwanted and unused pharmaceuticals and syringes off of the streets and especially out of the hands of our most important asset in the game of life, our youth.