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By Jose G Landa
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts‘ monthly sales tax allocation figures show that Eagle Pass has had a significant growth in sales in businesses or services that collect a sales tax during the first half of 2024 (January-June). The growth signals almost $31,000,000 more being pumped into our local economy as compared to the same period in 2023.
By Jose G Landa
Local resident United States Border Patrol Agent Jorge A. Maldonado, 48, passed away while in the line of duty on Wednesday, July 10, 2024. Unofficial reports state that SBPA agent Maldonado suffered a heat-related medical incident. Maldonado unfortunately lost his life at the Fort Duncan Regional Medical Centers emergency room.
Por José G Landa
Cientos de residentes del distrito 2 participaron en una entrega de útiles escolares para el regreso a clases realizada por el Pct. 2 funcionarios públicos, la comisionada Rosanna Roxi Ríos, el agente Albert De La Torre y el juez de paz Ernie Leija.