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August 2012

August 2012 (6)



The Nebraska undocumented youth who access the deferred action program will not receive public benefits, such as drivers licenses or social assistance, with the exception of prenatal care, reported the state governor, Dave Heineman. During a news conference in Lincoln, the state governor said undocumented youth eligible for deferred action will not receive public assistance, unless required by state law. "They (the undocumented) should not be here unless they are here legally," said Republican politician.

Monday, 20 August 2012 21:26
Published in August 2012
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The White House announced four projects to improve transport infrastructure in roads and railways in the States of Maine, North Dakota, Oregon and Washington, framed in its job creation program "We can not wait ". "Across the country infrastructure investments are putting people to work in the construction and modernization of our transportation systems, railways, bridges and roads," said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. "The government is committed to doing its part to help communities across the country to move forward with these critical projects as quickly and efficiently as possible," he added.

Monday, 20 August 2012 21:20
Published in August 2012
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Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's decision to deny driver's licenses to young undocumented immigrants who qualify for Deferred Action has drawn criticism from the ACLU, which says the move shows a failure to grasp the subtleties of immigration law. "We think the governor is mistaken with respect to the driver's licenses. This is an example of why states shouldn't get involved in immigration law because they don't have an understanding of the complexity of these types of laws," Alessandra Soler, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona, told Efe.

Friday, 17 August 2012 22:01
Published in August 2012
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Two sheriff's deputies died and two others were wounded in a shootout near New Orleans, and so far five suspects have been arrested. The two deputies were "ambushed" by an armed man with an assault rifle as they were walking across a parking lot in an industrial part of the town of Laplace to investigate an earlier shooting, the sheriff of St. John the Baptist Parish, Michael Tregre, said. One of wounded deputies was badly hurt, but authorities say they are not in mortal danger.

Friday, 17 August 2012 21:58
Published in August 2012
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Immigrant defense groups see as irrelevant and costly the activation of the South Carolina Immigration Enforcement Unit, which will not be allowed to question the legal status of detainees, although it will be able to pursue criminals. South Carolina's SB 20, one of the harshest anti-immigrant laws in the nation, set forth the establishment of the country's first state-level immigration enforcement unit. The state had to negotiate an agreement with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for at least 12 agents to receive training in Program 287(g) and be put out on the streets to seek foreign criminals.

Friday, 17 August 2012 21:10
Published in August 2012
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New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg called for the inclusion of immigration reform in the presidential debate as one of the most important subjects affecting economic growth in the United States. In the first of two business forums in Chicago and Boston, Bloomberg defended the role of immigrants as essential. “There is no way to help the economy as quickly and as cost-free as opening the borders to create jobs and create business,” the billionaire mayor told a meeting of the Economic Club of Chicago.

Friday, 17 August 2012 21:04
Published in August 2012
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