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Evie Rodriguez

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Earth Day 2013: The Face of Climate Change

Monday, 15 April 2013 16:46 Published in April 2013

(Uvalde, TX)

Uvalde-Kinney-Maverick-Real Counties Farm Service Agency (FSA) Executive Director, Nancy Condit announced her support for Earth Day. Climate change can seem like a remote problem, but in fact it impacts real people, animals, and their environments. These “Faces of Climate Change” are multiplying every day. Fortunately, we can do something about it. Every year on April 22, more than one billion people take part in Earth Day. Across the globe, individuals, communities, organizations, and governments acknowledge the amazing planet we call home and take action to protect it. The Farm Service Agency supports the effort to preserve our life sustaining climate. Texas Farm Service Agency encourages everyone do his or her part to reverse the problems of polution. The entrepreneurs who see opportunity in creating the new green economy, the designers of clean technology for the future, and the ordinary people who commit to living sustainably; are all helping preserve our environment. Together we can find solutions and demonstrate the collective power of individuals taking action across the world. In doing so, we strive to inspire others with our efforts to fight climate change and preserve our fagile ecosystems. For more information about the Earth Day initiative, visit:


Gives keynote address at Texas Lyceum Public Conference



Gov. Rick Perry emphasized his commitment to finding long-term solutions to Texas’ growing infrastructure needs, specifically strengthening the state’s transportation infrastructure to meet the demands of our rapidly growing economy and population. The governor delivered the keynote address at the Texas Lyceum Association’s 47th Public Conference. “We have arrived at a moment of great possibility in our state’s history – our booming economy has grown demand on our infrastructure, but has also left us with a solid financial foundation upon which to build sound infrastructure for the next half-century,” Gov. Perry said. “Now is the time to do the fiscally responsible thing and make our state more accessible and productive for generations to come. Strengthening our infrastructure will improve the flow of goods throughout our state, reduce wear and tear on vehicles, and improve our quality of life in a way that can’t be measured in dollars and cents.” In his State of the State address, Gov. Perry outlined several proposals for funding future infrastructure projects, including using the Rainy Day Fund for a one-time capitalization of water and transportation projects around the state. The governor also called for ending diversions from the State Highway Fund, which would make billions more available for road maintenance and construction. Gov. Perry noted that Texas’ principled fiscal discipline has kept spending in check and our debt low, allowing the state to take advantage of historically low interest rates to capitalize a revolving infrastructure fund using long-term bonds. These bonds would enable the state to lock in today’s low interest rates to begin infrastructure projects now, keeping the cost of construction low when rates inevitably increase in the future. Additionally, Gov. Perry has proposed dedicating future growth in the motor vehicle sales tax, which the state already collects on every vehicle bought in Texas, to transportation infrastructure.

Can Improving Your Finances Improve Your Romance?

Monday, 15 April 2013 16:39 Published in WORLD



Talking about money can be difficult. While we’re taught to avoid the potentially sensitive topic in polite conversation, there’s at least one person with whom you need to be able to have frequent and honest financial conversations -- your partner or spouse. Take the opportunity to strengthen your relationship by understanding what drives your partner’s financial decisions. While experts say it may not always be possible to agree on everything, knowing each other’s perspective can help couples avoid frustrating conversations and make better decisions together. “We all bring our own feelings and experiences to the table and that can have a big impact on how we invest and spend money,” says Joe Duran, CEO of United Capital, a private wealth consulting firm and New York Times best-selling author of “The Money Code,” a new book that aims to improve financial decision making. “But by honestly getting to the root of what money means to you and to your partner, you can take steps to improve your financial life together.”


Here are some ways couples can smooth over their differences:



List your financial priorities and savings goals and determine which are necessary, negotiable and realistic. Draw up a budget and create a financial decision mang checklist that satisfies both of you and resolve to stick to it. A clear action plan will help avoid surprise purchases or investments made by you or your partner that could become potential sources of argument.



 “I like to think of each of us as having a ‘Money Mind,’ which motivates the way we think about money,” says Duran. “Some of us are driven by fear, some by the pursuit of happiness and others by commitment. Whether you’re spending too much in the pursuit of happiness, or missing key opportunities out of fear, become actively aware of what guides you and your partner financially and the potential consequences.” You’ll be more likely to avoid letting conversations turn into arguments if you’re speaking the language as your partner. Each of you should have an active voice in the discussion and be participating fully in the financial planning process. 


Seek Help

Personal biases can sometimes get in the way of sound judgment. But a financial adviser can help you objectively map out a process to achieve your financial goals. Opt for one who doesn’t just focus on investments, but who can also match your financial aspirations with your current resources. More tips on how to discuss money with your partner can be found by visiting


Don’t let miscommunication stand in the way of a healthy financial future. By taking steps to understand your partner’s perspective, you can develop a joint solution that makes everyone happy.

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