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Evie Rodriguez

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El Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass, Tx, ha implementado un programa para llevar seguridad y vigilancia en los distintos sectores mas problematicos de esta población. El programa llamado "Neighborhood Watch" es una idea nueva para la ciudad y busca involucrar a los vecinos para que sean ellos mismos los que vigilen y reporten a la policia en caso de una situación sospechosa o de desorden en sus colonia. Por parte de Eagle Pass los oficiales que promueven este programa son José Regalado y Fernando Chacón. Ellos ya empezaron a trabajar con algunos sectores, especialmente con el nuevo sector residencial Legacy Villa donde se tenian muchas quejas de los vecinos por jovenes que iban de otros sectores a causar desorden. Pero ahora con la presencia de los policias de Eagle Pass y con la participación de los vecinos en el programa "Neighborhood Watch", las cosas han cambiado, ahora este sector es mas tranquilo y los vecinos están mas agusto. El pasado viernes 12 de octubre los oficiales de policia Regalado y Chacón, junto con el jefe policiaco Juan Antonio Castañeda, estuvieron en el nuevo sector Legacy Villa donde fueron acompañados por el Comisionado del Precinto 1, para anunciar el programa que estará permanente en el sector Legacy Villa. Este programa llegará a mas sectores, dijo el oficial José Regalado.







Staff -

Eagle Pass


The Eagle Pass Police Department has implemented a new program which will allow neighborhoods to assist in insuring the security of the immediate area as well as the areas deemed as problem areas of the city as they will implement the Neighborhood Watch Program in EP. What it will consist of is a greater line of communication between residences and dispatch at the EPPD in case they see illicit activity occurring in their immediate area. Jose Regalado and Fernando Chacon will be in charge of implementing and monitoring the program as well as to provide the necessary information to the public in general as they have been in sectors such as Legacy Villa where they along with Commissioner Eliaz Maldonado and Chief of Police Antonio Castaneda went door-to-door informing citizens of the new initiative. They plan to insure that the program is effectively implemented in all areas of the city.


Deputy Sheriff Resigns due to Incident

Tuesday, 16 October 2012 21:01 Published in October 2012

Staff -

San Marcos, TX

The Maverick County Sheriff's Department released a statement on Tuesday in reference to an incident which occurred when a deputy sheriff and a jailer were transporting a prisoner from Oklahoma. According to the report, when returning from Oklahoma, prisoner in hand, the deputy and the jailer stopped in San Marcos, TX to eat. The irregularity occurred when all three men got off of the vehicle as prisoners are not allowed to do so. The incident occurred in what was described in the press release as a bag & grill in which alcoholic beverages are served which is another violation of procedure. After an internal investigation was conducted, Deputy Sheriff Gerardo Zuñiga tendered his letter of resignation due to the fact that he had ordered an alcoholic beverage while on duty and had placed citizens in danger and both he and the jailer failed to safeguard the citizens of San Marcos by allowing the prisoner to get off the vehicle. The jailer was suspended for to weeks without pay for his participation in the incident and Sheriff Tomas Herrera has noted within the context of the release that he will not have any tolerance for this type of behavior from his personnel and will continue to have zero tolerance for such behavior until he relinquishes his responsibilities as Sheriff.

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