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Evie Rodriguez

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Two Youths Injured in Knife Fight

Thursday, 23 August 2012 21:36 Published in August 2012

Staff -

Eagle Pass



Eagle Pass Police officers reported to Mazza Drive on the south side of Eagle Pass where two youths were injured in a fight at knife point. The incident occurred a little after 5:00 A.M. Thursday morning. Chief of Police Antonio Castañeda informed The News Gram that a suspect of interest in the disturbance is an eighteen year-old by the name of Justin Javier Sanchez who apparently went to an apartment where a man is presently living with an ex-girlfriend. According to the report, Sanchez confronted the man and after engaging in blows, each produced a knife. Chief Castañeda mentioned that Sanchez resulted with injuries to his extremities as both of his arms sustained cuts. The other individual sustained a large cut to his neck. Both men were transported to Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center where they are being treated for their injuries. Aggravated assault charges may be pending against Sanchez as he went to the other man's home and started the disturbance.

Victim of Horrific Accident Possibly Identified

Thursday, 23 August 2012 21:32 Published in August 2012

Staff -

Eagle Pass


The Eagle Pass Police Department informed The News Gram that it is possible that they may have positively identified the young man who was fatally injured in an accident which occurred at a local truck stop on Tuesday.  This information was passed on to the Mexican Consulate who was also diligently working to assist in identifying the body. Chief Antonio Castañeda stated in a phone conversation with an acquaintance of the victim who attempted to contact him on the cellular phone he had in his possession that the young man may have gone by the name of Luis Sanchez and he may have been from Tamaulipas, Mexico. Chief Castañeda reiterated that this has not been officially confirmed, it is simply a suspicion, a speculation based on the minimal data obtained at this time from the person who called the cellular phone. It is suspected that the three men who boarded the truck, did so in Laredo as the truck driver stated he had come from there and was preparing to continue his way to his ultimate destination which is undetermined at this time.  The three men had reached Eagle Pass hidden somewhere within the roof of the vehicle. When they arrived in Eagle Pass at the parking lot of the truck stop, one of the men fell and was crushed by the rear wheels of the tractor trailer. The other man, according to a witness could not be detained.  The victim had no documents but did have $900.00 in his possession along with the cellular phone. Police officials have tried returning the call to no avail. The case remains under investigation.




Este jueves estuvo de visita en el City Hall de Eagle Pas el nuevo Consul Americano en Nuevo Laredo, David Simov, quien desde hace casi 3 semanas sustituyó en el cargo al Consul Donal Heflin. El Consul Simov se presentó ante el Mayor Ramsey English Cantu, con quien habló de diversos temas de interes para esta frontera. Luego de esta visita, por la tarde, el consul Americano estuvo en Piedras Negras para hablar con autoridades mexicanas. El Mayor Ramsey English Cantu dijo que se trató de una visita cordinal, que sirvió para presentarse y hablar de algunos temas con los que se trabajaba con el consul anterior. Dijo que por parte de la ciudad de Eagle Pass el cruce comercial es algo de mucho interes y por eso la ciudad esta interesada que de parte del gobierno federal se puedan dar mayores facilidades al cruce de ganado, y un proyecto es cosntruir corrales cercanos al puente internacional dos para que inspectores del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos (USDA) puedan cruzar a lado mexicano para inspeccionar el ganado. Este es un tema de mucho interes para la ciudad de Eagle Pass ya que porn esta frontera se cruza mucho ganado. Desde hace mas de un año que por razones de inseguridad los inspectores del USDA no cruzan a Mexico a revisar el ganado.


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