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Evie Rodriguez

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Eagle Pass



David Simov, the new american Consulate who will be housed in Nuevo Laredo, was in Eagle Pass onThursday. Simov replaced former Consulate Donald Heflin three weeks ago. The new consulate met with Eagle Pass Mayor Ramsey English-Cantú and they discussed several points of interest for the border region. Simov then attended a similar meeting across the river to meet with Mexican authorities. Mayor Cantú stated that the dialogue was cordial and it allowed them to get acquainted as well as to discuss ways that the City and the American Government can continue to work together to secure the continued improvement of the border region. He mentioned to Simov that Eagle Pass is a major port of entry, especially in terms of commercial vehicles and he requested assistance in facilitating the crossing of livestock and cattle.  His plan is to construct corrals nearby International Bridge II in order to allow inspectors from the Department of Agriculture to inspect all cattle before they enter the United States.  This is an item of great interest as our port of entry is a very busy one in terms of livestock. It has been over a year since USDA inspectors have crossed into Mexico to inspect cattle.

Policias No Aplicaran Warnings, Sera Multa Directa

Thursday, 23 August 2012 21:25 Published in August 2012



Apartir de este fin de semana el departamento de policía de Eagle Pass implementará un operativo especial de vigilancia para hacer que los conductores respeten los limites de velocisas y todas las leyes de trafico, ante el pronto regreso a clases que sera este lunes 27 de agosto. De acuerdo con las autoridades este operativo se realiza para dar seguridad a los niños y jovenes que regresan a clases y el jefe de policía, Juan Antonio Castañeda, adviertió que para los que no respeten las leyes de trafico en las zonas escolares no se les aplicara ningun warning, sino que recirirán una multa directa. Dijo que la seguridad de los estudiantes es lo fundament- tal, y por eso se tomarn estas accioones y los automovilistas deben de respetar las leyes de trafico, en las avenidas y Bulevares el limite de velocidad es 45 mph, y en las zonas escolares es de 20 mph, eso lo deben de tomar en cuenta los automovilistas. A partir de este viernes 24 de agosto, 2012, el departamento de policia inicia este operativo para hacer cumplir estas leyes de manera estruicta. "Si usted es detenido por con- ducir pasando una escuela en una alta tasa de velocidad, usted será multado", dijo el Oficial Torralba Humberto II que forma parte del equipo de policias que vigilan el trafico. Por fortuna de manera reciente no ha ocurrido un accidente grave en las zonas escolares, donde haya habido heridos, pero la policia quiere prevenir que ocurra. El Departamento de Transporte de Texas con la solicitud delTeniente Comandante Moisés Pena Jr,  de la Policia local, han colocado señales de radar de velocidad en las principales avenidas y Bulevares para advertir y que los automovilistas sepan los limites de velocidad.


Staff -


Eagle Pass




Beginning this weekend, the Eagle Pass Police Department will be implementing a new operative in order to make motorists respect speed limits and all traffic laws, just before students return to classes on August 27th. According to authorities, this operative is being set in place in order to insure the safety of our children and young people who are returning to school, and Chief Juan Antonio Castañeda is warning motorists that those who disobey the law will not receive a warning, but a direct infraction or citation. He added that the security of our children comes first, that is why these actions need to be taken seriously as speed limits on avenues and boulevards will be set at 45 MPH and 20 MPH in school zones. Beginning August 24th the EPPD will initiate the operative to insure that motorists obey traffic laws to the fullest. "If you are pulled over for a traffic violation in a school zone at a high rate of speed, you will be issued a citation," stated Humberto Torralba II who is part of the traffic vigilance team for the EPPD and also monitors traffic in our fine city aboard one of two motorcycle units. TxDOT at the request of Lieutenant Moses Peña, Jr., has installed radar signs on the main thoroughfares in order for motorists to know exactly at what speed they are driving in order to reduce their rate of speed if need be.






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