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EPHA Awarded High Performance

Monday, 28 May 2018 15:56 Published in May 2018

The Eagle Pass Housing Authority received their PHAS (Public Housing Assessment System) score notification (PHAS score 97) on Thursday, May 17, 2018. David Pohler, Director of the San Antonio Office of Public Housing send kudos to the Executive Director and Board of Commissioners expressing his acknowledgement of the excellent work of the EPHA: “Please congratulate your Board and Staff from me for this high performer score. 97 is an excellent PHAS score - I suspect that less than 15% of PHAs achieve a score this high. You have really strong reserves equivalent to 18 months of expenses. Again, this is really good - higher than vast majority of PHAs". This notification letter was send to Mr. Pohler from Mr. Donald J. Lavoy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington DC. EPHA received scores per AMP (Asset Management Project) for PASS (Physical Assessment) FASS (Financial Assessment) MASS (Management Assessment) and Capital Fund. The overall entity wide PHAS score of 97 is based on a weighted average of the score for each AMP. The EPHA Chairwoman, Ana Gonzalez, would like to congratulate staff and the Board of Commissioners for their dedication to continue serving our residents and striving to enhance the livelihood of hundreds of residents. She iterates that it takes efficient employees and cooperation from all who work in our housing authority to deliver the best services possible.


Local veterans march in honor of Memorial Day

Monday, 28 May 2018 15:48 Published in May 2018

Monday, May 28, will be a day in which America honors and remembers those who have given their all, for our Country. Recognized as Memorial Day a federal holiday in the United States which allows the entire nation to remember those who died while serving in the Country's armed forces.

The City of Eagle Pass held a proclamation for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Awareness month on Thursday, May, 23, 2018. Mayor Pro Tem Yolanda Ramon presented the Maverick County Hospital District Juntos Podemos Program Marlen Ramirez and United Medical Centers Advocate Jessica Ramirez a proclamation for their work bringing awareness to this issue.


Ramon emphasized the outstanding work that both organizations do to bring awareness and educate on this matters.“Thank you for all that you do It’s very important to bring awareness to our teens and community.” Maverick County teen birth rates rank among the highest in the nation at 67 teen births per every 1,000.


The MCHD Juntos Podemos Program is a teen pregnancy prevention project that has partnered with the Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Texas A&M, to collaborate through Personal Responsibility Education Program and competitive grants under the Affordable Care Act.


The projects main goal is to provide an evident based educational informational program in regards to abstinence and contraception to prevent pregnancies as well as sexually transmitted diseases. Teen Pregnancy awareness and Prevention is put at the forefront during the month of May across the entire nation. During 2015 Maverick County had among the highest teen pregnancy rates in the United States. The teen birth rate was at 67.52 teen birth per every 1,000. Compared to 42.3 teen births per every 1,000 in the State of Texas and 29 teen births per every 1,000 in the United States. The teen birth rate, in Maverick County more than doubled the national average, Locally various organizations preach abstinence, prevention and other options focused on deterring teen pregnancies and high rates in our community. These organizations seek to decrease the teen birth rates due to the many problems and social ills for those teens that go through because of the life changing ordeal.


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