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-ICT, Eagle Pass
With a spectacular performance, the Liberty Eagle Cheerleading squad won the 2012 Cheerleading Competition sponsored by the Eagle Pass Parks and Recreation Department at the Eagle Pass International Center for Trade on November 15th. A total of fifteen squads participated and many family and friends were on hand to watch the competition, cheer on their favorite teams and enjoy the competition. Liberty won both the Varsity and Junior Varsity competitions. In the Varsity competition, Seco Mines won second place and Cerna took third. City authorities and members of the Parks and Recreation Department were on hand to hand out the awards. Participating schools were Liberty, Seco Mines, Cerna, Robert E. Lee, Henry B. Gonzalez, Ray Darr, Sam Houston, Rosita Valley, Kennedy Hall, Glass and San Luis. Rosa Aguirre said that the competition was a success and that each year it gets bigger and better. The department will be working on making more competitions of its kind in order to motivate more participation in the schools.
8,000 plates to be served at Feast of Sharing
Saturday, 17 November 2012 16:40 Published in November 2012
-Eagle Pass
Today s the Feast of Sharing and it will be held at the International Center for Trade. 8,000 plates are expected to be served. The event is a collaboration between HEB, the City of Eagle Pass, the Chamber of Commerce and hundreds of volunteers. Sandra Martinez, Directress of the Chamber of Commerce, informed The News Gram that all who come will be served, however, they are expecting to distribute many of the plates to the homes of the elderly and those who may be homebound due to illness. The Eagle Pass Police Department will be present with other security personnel to make sure that the event flows smoothly and without incident. The event will begin at 11:00 A.M. through 3 P.M. and the public in general is invited to attend from both sides of the border and even those who may be visiting Eagle Pass are also invited. The traditional event which begins the Thanksgiving Day festivities in our fair city has been going on for 16 years and has been held at both Eagle Pass High school and at CC Winn High School, and now it will be held at the ICT for the first time. Other businesses and entities are preparing their own Thanksgiving Day festivities to unite their employees, share a meal and give thanks to God for all of the blessings received throughout the year.
New hospital board takes charge at the MCHD
Thursday, 15 November 2012 00:49 Published in November 2012Staff
-Eagle Pass
Ricardo Calderon, Humberto Duran and Juan Manuel Farias were sworn in this Wednesday morning to serve on the Maverick County Hospital Board. The swearing in ceremony occurred at the MCHD offices before Margarita Cruz, elections coordinator for the Maverick County Hospital District. Also present were Joaquin Rodriguez, Rito Valdez III, members of the Board of Directors and Elcira Bares, CEO as well as district employees, family members and other candidates. Calderon, Duran and Farias were the winners of the latest election this past November 6th and were the top three vote getters among five candidates. The board says they will continue working together to improve the health services for our community especially for those of low income families, some of which do not have health insurance. They commented that Eagle Pass and Maverick County are in need of more specialists and more physicians to increase the quality of medical services here.