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David Venegas

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Much Interest in Early Voting; 3,000 Voters Turn Out

Monday, 29 October 2012 20:04 Published in October 2012




-Eagle Pass



3,000 votes have been cast as of Saturday which included the special voting date on Saturday, which have some politicians stating it is positive and others stating that it is normal amount for a presidential election year. It is hoped that these numbers continue to rise and that voters will turn out in record numbers for this, the most important elections in recent history. According to those who follow these trends closely, there seems to be much interest in school district elections as well as in the elections for hospital board.


-Eagle Pass


Un brutal choque de frente en la carretera 277 Sur dejó como saldo 4 personas muertas, las autoridades dijeron que las víctimas son de Eagle Pass, Texas. El departamento del Sheriff del condado de Dimmit dieron a conocer que 3 eran compañeros de trabajo y laboraban en una empresa local que también tiene presencia también en Carrizo Springs, Texas. Hasta el cierre de esta edición los nombres de las victimas no fueron dados a conocer, las autoridades buscaban informar primero a los familiares. El accidente ocurrió minutos después de las 5 de la mañana del sabado en un tramo dentro del condado de Dimmit, pasando el Check Point. Inmediatamente la carretera fue cerrada por completo. Oficiales del Sheriff de los condados de Dimmit y Maverick y agentes del DPS se dirigieron al lugar para realizar las investigaciones y determinar las causas del accidente. Según el reporte el choque fue tan fuerte que uno de los vehículos se incendió, un hombre murió en el interior. Aun no se conocen todos los detalles del accidente. Debido a este choque de frente la carretera 277 Sur que conduce de Eagle Pass a Carrizo Springs, Tx fué cerrado por varias horas. El departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas se encarga de investigar las causas del accidente. Una vez mas un accidente fatal que llena de luto a familias en Eaagle Pass en choque en la 277 east que se ha convertido en un camino riesgoso.

Children's Playground Inaugurated at Ft. Duncan Park

Saturday, 27 October 2012 16:33 Published in October 2012


-Eagle Pass


The City of Eagle Pass, in collaboration with the Eagle Pass Rotary Club inaugurated the Children's Play Area at Ft.Duncan Park on Friday morning. The traditional ribbon-cutting took place at the new park which is in front of the Children's Library in Ft. Duncan and was attended by members of the Rotary Club along with local dignitaries and will be available for children from both sides of the border. Councilman Billy Davis represented the City as well as the Chamber of Commerce, Jorge Sanchez of the EPPARD as well as Pete Zamora, the President of the Rotary Club were also on hand to inaugurate the new play area. The park consists of a type of jungle gym of children's swings and a special floor to keep children from being seriously injured in case of a fall. According to Alma Velasquez, club member, the cost of the park was in the $20,000 range and Parks and Recreation workers installed the equipment. The plans are to keep building parks such as this across the city.

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