November 2012 Fri, 07 Feb 2025 08:34:32 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Dear Virginia: Yes, There Is An Advent Season! Dear Virginia: Yes, There Is An Advent Season!

By: Bishop James A. Tamayo

Over 100 years ago, a young girl wrote to the editor of a New York City newspaper, asking if there really was a Santa Claus. The editor's beautiful reply, titled “Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus” has been reprinted at Christmas in countless newspapers. And just who is Santa Claus? His name is derived from Saint Nicholas, a real life Catholic saint who lived in the fourth century. St. Nicholas was bishop in what is present day Turkey. This saint certainly did exist on earth and he exists now in heaven. We even celebrate his feast day on December 6th. This feast day falls during a period in the Catholic calendar where we begin preparing for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. This liturgical season, which begins this weekend, is called Advent. Unfortunately, and as a result of commercialism, the tendency today is to practically celebrate Christmas right after Thanksgiving, with decorations, parties and even early gift giving.

It's understandable that people do not want to wait until the actual celebration of Christmas, but aren't we then acting like the children who search their house for weeks before their own birthday trying to find where their presents are hidden? If those children happen to find their presents beforehand, then their birthday becomes a big let down. Unfortunately, that is what can happen to us when we celebrate Christmas ahead of time. Those of us who are followers of Christ believe that He is God the Son who became one of us 2012 years ago in order to save us from the terrible penalty of our sins. This is a birth well worth celebrating. But to fully understand Christmas, it is most important that we be prepared spiritually. Advent is a very important time to help us reconnect to the message given to God's chosen people as far back as 1000 B.C., when King David was promised that one of his descendants would be the Messiah—the King forever. Over those 10 centuries and up through the time of John the Baptist, the prophets helped prepare the way for the Messiah by telling the faithful to turn away from sin and to rekindle their love for God and for each other. This is how we can also best observe the time of Advent, the special time God has given us to prepare our hearts to welcome Jesus. During the next 24 days, let us take the opportunity to take part in the sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), to forgive someone who has trespassed against us, to pray together, to read parts of the Bible together as a family (the Gospel of Luke would be a great place to start) and to make some special effort to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. God knew that His chosen people needed 10 centuries to prepare for the first coming of the Messiah. Is it too much to ask for us to spend a few weeks preparing ourselves to celebrate His birthday? If a Virginia asks you if there really is an Advent season, tell her "Yes, Virginia, there is an Advent!” And it’s a very important time to prepare our hearts to better welcome Jesus.

—Todo con Amor!"

]]> (Evie Rodriguez) November 2012 Fri, 30 Nov 2012 17:03:37 +0000
Abrirán 14 Casillas en el Condadoán-14-casillas-en-el-condadoán-14-casillas-en-el-condado

Un total de 14 casillas serán abiertas en el Condado de Maverick este supermartes de elección, 6 de noviembre, donde se elige Presidente de la Nación, además de importantes cargos estatales y federales, y a nivel local también llama la atención la elección para 4 lugares de la Mesa Directiva escolar y 3 para la Mesa Directiva del Distrito del Hospital. Para este martes las casillas funcionarán de 7 de la mañana a 7 de la tarde, y por la noche se darán a conocer los resultados de la elección a nivel local en la Casa de Corte del Condado de Maverick. Las casillas se localizaran en lo siguientes sitios: En el Precinto 1, en el Salon de Colores de la calle Williams, en la Estación de Bomberos de la Calle Segunda, y en la escuela Memorial Junior High. En el Precinto 2 los lugares de votación será: La Escuela Benavides, la escuela elemental San Luis, la escuela elemental Rosita Valley y el Centro Comunitario de El Indio, Texas.

Por su parte en el Precinto 3 los sitios de Votación serán: la Antigua Junior High School, la elemental Seco Mines, y el Centro Comunitario de El Quemado. Finalmente en el Precinto 4 los sitios de Votación serán la Casa de Corte del Condado de Maverick ubicada en la calle Quarry en el centro de la ciudad, el Boys and Girls Club, la Primera Iglesia Bautista del 520 Colorado St y la Iglesia San Bernardo del 2010 de la Calle Coyunda. Las autoridades políticas del Condado de Maverick insisten en pedir a los votantes salir a votar y participar de este importante proceso democratico.

]]> (David Venegas) November 2012 Sat, 03 Nov 2012 16:49:37 +0000
Crucial Safety Tips for Online Dating Crucial Safety Tips for Online Dating


 As more of our communications take place over the Internet, it’s no wonder that an ever-growing number of singles are meeting each other through online dating services. In fact, Online Dating Magazine estimated in 2011 that more than 280,000 marriages a year are a direct result of people meeting online. “While your soul mate could be only a few clicks away, there are risks associated with online dating,” warns Lis Wiehl, Fox News Legal Analyst and author of the recently released novel, “Darkness Rising,” of the East Salem trilogy. “From financial scammers to criminals, strangers on the Internet are just that -- strangers.” Wiehl’s novels are inspired by her former work as a federal prosecutor and her current role as a television journalist covering some of the most shocking crimes. An expert in sniffing out the bad guys, she advises daters to proceed with caution before taking online relationships offline.

Men and women alike should take precautionary measures to help avoid dangerous dating circumstances:

 • Meet your date at the venue rather than have he or she pick you up -- you don’t need a stranger to know where you live.


• Choose well-populated public places to meet. Let a friend know where you are going. It may sound overly cautious, but it doesn’t hurt to share your date’s contact information and name as well.



• Avoid exchanging too much personal information right off the bat, such as your last name and place of work. Get to know someone first.

• Listen to your gut. If something feels off, be polite, but end the evening early.




• Don’t believe everything you read. It is entirely legal to lie on an Internet dating site about one’s height, weight, age and financial status. If you meet someone whose description doesn't match reality, you should wonder whether your “match” would also lie about things you can't see on the surface. Be especially cautious if someone seems “too good to be true.”



• Unfortunately not everyone on dating sites is looking for love. Financial scammers prey upon lonely hearts. Don’t become a victim. If you’re dating someone who suddenly starts hitting you up for cash, end it. For more information about Lis Wiehl’s novels and nonfiction titles, visit “Bottom line on online dating: be smart, be careful and above all, be yourself,” says Wiehl.


]]> (Evie Rodriguez) November 2012 Fri, 02 Nov 2012 21:25:09 +0000
New Tech Twists on Classic Toys



Holiday gift trends are always evolving and this year, what’s old is new again, but now with a modern, tech twist. Every kid wants to have the coolest gift to show off to their friends at school. So get a head start on holiday gift buying before the most popular toys fly off the shelves.



Here are some surefire hot sellers this holiday season:


Traditional ABC blocks have been around since the 1600s, so an upgrade is long overdue. The VTech Alphabet Activity Cube builds on this classic learning toy by adding an electronic learning component that’s super easy to use. The blocks can be stacked on the top of the cube or they can be inserted into the side slot so kids can learn more about each letter. The toy also features five piano keys, a number keypad, and telephone. It’s a great way to make learning the alphabet fun! Learn more at

2-in-1 Fun

For generations, children have simply loved toy cars and toy dinosaurs. This hasn’t changed, as one of the hottest gifts this holiday season is VTech’s Switch & Go Dinos, an interactive 2-in-1 play experience that brings together dinosaurs and vehicles. Switch & Go Dinos easily transform between a dinosaur and a vehicle in a few simple steps, coming equipped with an LCD screen for customizable animations. In dinosaur mode, action buttons play interesting facts about each dinosaur, so they can learn while they play. For more information, visit


Board Games

Classic board games such as Monopoly and Risk have entertained families for decades. Why not introduce these classics to your children this year? New updates to these games are adding to the appeal for kids today. Monopoly Revolution has added sounds and music to accompany your real estate journey, while Risk Halo Wars incorporates armies from the popular video game franchise. This holiday season, your old favorites are in style once again, with a new flavor. You’ll be sure to see these gifts at the top of many wish lists.


]]> (Evie Rodriguez) November 2012 Fri, 02 Nov 2012 21:20:53 +0000