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EPISD earns a place on College Board AP District Honor Roll
Friday, 08 November 2013 21:21 Published in May 2013
EPISD earns a place on College Board AP District Honor Roll
TEA Commissioner of Education Michael Williams today noted that Eagle Pass Independent School District was one of 14 Texas school districts in United States and Canada being honored by the College Board with placement on its “4th Annual AP District Honor Roll.”
The Honor Roll recognizes districts for increasing access to AP course work while simultaneously maintaining or increasing the percentage of students earning scores of 3 or higher on AP Exams.
Commissioner Williams went on to state, “These outcomes are a powerful testament to educators’ belief that a more diverse population of students is ready for the sort of rigor that will prepare them for success in college.”
The 4th Annual AP District Honor Roll is based on the examination of three years of AP data, from 2011 to 2013, for the following criteria. Districts must:
- Increase participation/access to AP by at least 4 percent in large districts, at least 6 percent in medium districts, and at least 11 percent in small districts;
- Increase or maintain the percentage of exams taken by African American, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian/Alaska Native students, and;
- Improve performance levels when comparing the percentage of students in 2013 scoring a 3 or higher to those in 2011, unless the district has already attained a performance level at which more than 70 percent of its AP students are scoring a 3 or higher.
Congratulations to the students of this district and the seamless devotion of our teachers administration and staff.
Meager Local Voter Participation On Amendments
Even though early voting in Maverick County show a lack of concern for the Constitutional Amendments and with a historical low turnout of only 58 voters, November 5, is an important election day for Texas and Maverick County. All nine constitutional amendments on the Nov. 5 ballot are worthy of the support of Maverick County voters, but three in particular should encourage everyone to get to the polls on Election Day.
Proposition 6 on the Nov. 5 ballot would provide $2 billion from the Rainy Day Fund to the State Water Plan, creating a low-interest loan program to finance some 560 water supply projects on a revolving basis over the next 50 years. Proposition 6 is not a major step in securing water supply for Texas. Our legislators should not raid the Rainy Day Fund for favored projects; Education programs were not even considered.
Proposition 1 and Proposition 4 are designed to help veterans and their families; I strongly encourage our local voters to support these two.
Under current state law, veterans who are 100 percents disable due to their military service are exempt from paying property taxes; Proposition 1 would extend that exemption to the spouse of a soldier killed in battle.
Proposition 4 would provide a partial property tax exemption for home donated to disabled veterans by non-profit groups. The amount of the tax credit would equal the veteran’s disability. For example, a veteran who is 80 percent disable would get an 80 percent property tax break.
Supporting these two amendments is a great way to honor Texas veterans, make sure you vote on Election Day.
EPHS Mens Cross Country to compete in state title
Monday, 04 November 2013 22:01 Published in May 2013Eagle Pass High School Mens Cross Country to compete in state title
L-R Rolando "Freddy" Salinas, Javier Guevara, Martin Lopez, Hector Alvarez. Victor Garcia, Luis Vielma, and Benny Rodriguez. Region 4-5A runner up. Have qualified for the State Meet in Roundrock for the 4th consecutive time. They will be competing for the state title once more.
Benny Rodriguez after recieving medical attention for leaving it all on the field to help his team advance.