April 2019 http://www.thenewsgramonline.dyndns.org:81 Fri, 07 Feb 2025 12:48:54 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Edin burg May or, Wife Arrest ed in Orga nized Ille gal Vot ing Scheme http://www.thenewsgramonline.dyndns.org:81/index.php/texas/item/9687-edin-burg-may-or-wife-arrest-ed-in-orga-nized-ille-gal-vot-ing-scheme http://www.thenewsgramonline.dyndns.org:81/index.php/texas/item/9687-edin-burg-may-or-wife-arrest-ed-in-orga-nized-ille-gal-vot-ing-scheme Edin burg May or, Wife Arrest ed in Orga nized Ille gal Vot ing Scheme

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that the Election Fraud Unit of his office arrested city of Edinburg Mayor Richard Molina and his wife, Dalia, for voter fraud. Molina is charged with orchestrating an organized illegal voting scheme in his own mayoral election. The Hidalgo County District Attorney’s Office will prosecute both cases with the assistance of the attorney general’s Election Fraud Unit. Molina and his wife had numerous voters change their addresses to places they didn’t live – including the apartment complex he owns – for the express purpose of voting for Molina in the November 7, 2017, Edinburg municipal election.

His vote harvesting scheme involved the participation of paid campaign workers, among others.

Molina won the election, unseating long-time Edinburg Mayor Richard Garcia by 1,240 votes. Over the last year, the Election Fraud Unit has led multiple, widespread and thorough investigations into allegations and complaints of voter fraud that were formally filed with the Texas Secretary of State and forwarded to the attorney general’s office. The Hidalgo County District Attorney’s Office has cooperated and assisted the Election Fraud Unit in its investigations. “Voter fraud is an affront to democracy and places the decision-making authority of the Texas electorate in the hands of those who have no right to make those choices,”

Attorney General Paxton said. “Voter apathy is caused by rigged elections with guaranteed outcomes.

My office will always do everything it can to protect the integrity of Texas elections and the rights of every legal voter to cast a ballot and have it counted accurately. No one is above the law.”

Attorney General Paxton expressed his appreciation for Hidalgo County District Attorney Ricardo Rodriguez’s commitment to election integrity on this case, as well as several other unrelated voter fraud cases that remain ongoing. “My office is appreciative of the many witnesses who have come forward and cooperated with the investigation,explaining how they were lured by an ambitious candidate into participating in an illegal voting scheme to elect Richard Molina,” District Attorney Rodriguez said. “We encourage any additional witnesses who were pressured to engage in fraudulent voting in Molina’s election to step forward and cooperate with authorities. We’re prepared to present a full array of charges against Molina and his co-conspirators to the grand jury for a thorough evaluation of the evidence to ensure justice is served.”

Since last year, a total of 18 individuals have been arrested in connection with the Edinburg organized illegal voting scheme, with assistance from the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Rangers.

From 2005-2017, the attorney general’s office prosecuted 97 defendants for numbers voter fraud violations.

In fiscal year 2018, Attorney General Paxton’s Election Fraud Unit – with assistance from a criminal justice grant from the governor’s office – prosecuted 33 defendants for a total of 97 election fraud violations.

There are currently 75 active election fraud investigations, along with 63 counts of election crimes pending prosecution, in the attorney general’s Election Fraud Unit.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) April 2019 Fri, 26 Apr 2019 21:33:34 +0000
Alcalde de Edinburg y su Esposa Arrestados por Engaño de Votación Ilícito http://www.thenewsgramonline.dyndns.org:81/index.php/texas/item/9686-alcalde-de-edinburg-y-su-esposa-arrestados-por-engano-de-votacion-ilicito http://www.thenewsgramonline.dyndns.org:81/index.php/texas/item/9686-alcalde-de-edinburg-y-su-esposa-arrestados-por-engano-de-votacion-ilicito Alcalde de Edinburg y su Esposa Arrestados por Engaño de Votación Ilícito

AUSTIN – El Procurador General de Texas Ken Paxton anunciЧ hoy que la Unidad de Fraude de ElecciЧn de su oficina efectuЧ el arresto del alcalde de Edinburg Richard Molina y su esposa, Dalia, por fraude electoral. Molina enfrenta cargos por orquestar un engaЦo de votaciЧn ilegal organizado en su propia elecciЧn de alcalde. La Oficina del Fiscal del Condado de Hidalgo va a fiscalizar  ambos casos con la ayuda de la Unidad de Fraude de ElecciЧn

del procurador general.

Molina y su esposa hicieron que numerosos votantes cambiaran sus direcciones a lugares en los que en realidad no vivТan, incluyendo un complejo de departamentos de su propiedad, con el propЧsito expreso de que votaran por Molina en la elecciЧn municipal de Edinburg del 7 de noviembre de 2017. Su engaЦo para recolectar votos incluyЧ la participaciЧn de trabajadores de campaЦa pagados, entre otros. Molina ganЧ la elecciЧn, derrotando por 1,240 votos a Richard Garcia quien llevaba largo tiempo como alcalde de Edinburg.

Durante el Ьltimo aЦo, la Unidad de Fraude de ElecciЧn ha llevado a cabo mЬltiples, investigaciones sobre denuncias y quejas de fraude electoral que fueron registradas formalmente con el Secretario de Estado de Texas y remitidas a la ProcuradurТa General. La Oficina del Fiscal del Condado Hidalgo ha cooperado y ayudado a la Unidad de Fraude en su investigaciones. “El fraude electoral es una afrenta a la democracia y quita la autoridad de los electores a decidir para ponerla en manos de aquellos que no tienen derecho a tomar esas decisiones,” dijo el Procurador Paxton. “La apatТa electoral es causada por las elecciones fraudulentas con resultados garantizados. Mi oficina siempre va a hacer todo lo que pueda para proteger la integridad de las elecciones en Texas y los derechos de todo votante legal a emitir su voto y que este sea contado con exactitud. Nadie estЗ por encima de la ley.”

El Procurador Paxton expresЧ su agradecimiento por el compromiso del fiscal del condado Hidalgo Ricardo Rodriguez a la integridad electoral en este caso, asТ como varios otros casos de fraude de votantes que no estЗn relacionados y que siguen en curso. “Mi oficina agradece a los muchos testigos que se han presentado y cooperado con la investigaciЧn, explicando cЧmo fueron engaЦados por un candidato ambicioso a participar en un engaЦo de votaciЧn ilegal para elegir a Richard Molina,” dijo el Fiscal Rodriguez. “Exhortamos a testigos adicionales que fueron presionados a participar en votaciЧn fraudulenta en la elecciЧn de Molina a que se presenten y cooperen con las

autoridades. Estamos preparados para presentar una selecciЧn completa de cargos contra Molina y sus otros conspiradores ante el gran jurado para una evaluaciЧn completa de la evidencia y garantizar que se haga justicia.” Desde el aЦo pasado, 18 personas han sido arrestadas con relaciЧn al engaЦo de votaciЧn ilegal organizado, con la ayuda del Departamento de Seguridad PЬblica y los Texas Rangers. De 2005 a 2017, la procuradurТa general ha fiscalizado 97 demandados por numerosas infracciones de fraude electoral. En el aЦo fiscal de 2018, la Unidad de Fraude de Elecciones del Procurador Paxton, con la ayuda de una subvenciЧn de justicia penal de

la oficina del gobernador, ha fiscalizado a 33 demandados, lo cual suman a 97 infracciones de fraude electoral.

Actualmente hay 75 investigaciones de fraude electoral activas, junto con 63 cargos de delitos electorales pendientes a ser fiscalizados, en la Unidad de Fraude de Elecciones del procurador general.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) April 2019 Fri, 26 Apr 2019 21:28:38 +0000
Agents find 3-year-old migrant boy alone near Texas border http://www.thenewsgramonline.dyndns.org:81/index.php/texas/item/9679-agents-find-3-year-old-migrant-boy-alone-near-texas-border http://www.thenewsgramonline.dyndns.org:81/index.php/texas/item/9679-agents-find-3-year-old-migrant-boy-alone-near-texas-border Agents find 3-year-old migrant boy alone near Texas border

MCALLEN, Texas (AP) — U.S. Border Patrol agents found a 3-year-old boy alone in a field in Texas after likely being abandoned by smugglers at the southern border, authorities said.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection said late Tuesday that the boy’s name and a phone number were written on his shoes when agents found him that morning. The agency said it is trying to reach the boy’s family and that the boy “does not speak well enough to communicate.”

NBC News, which first reported the story, said the boy was crying and in distress when the agents found him near Brownsville, which is at the eastern edge of the U.S.-Mexico border in South Texas’ Rio Grande Valley. The child will likely be sent to a facility for unaccompanied minors operated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

CBP said Wednesday that a Border Patrol agent purchased clothing for the child and that other officers watched movies and played games with him.

The Border Patrol apprehended nearly 9,000 unaccompanied minors just in March and more than 20,000 since January, as border crossings surged compared to recent levels.

The agency said Wednesday that it could not provide a breakdown by age. Most minors are usually teenagers from Central America who travel north on their own, but some are young children who arrived with an adult relative or a human smuggler. And parents carrying infants or holding the hands of young children arrive daily .

That surge of families has put pressure on the Border Patrol, which says it doesn’t have the staff or facilities to care for hundreds of children at a time.

While U.S. authorities have ended the large-scale family separations that spurred outrage last year, the Border Patrol says it still must take children from adults who are not biological parents or legal guardians or when it suspects fraud or neglect. Agency officials said this month that from April 2018 through most of March, the Border Patrol identified more than 3,100 parents and children whom it accused of making “fraudulent claims.”

During a March visit to the Border Patrol’s main processing center in McAllen, reporters from The Associated Press saw a 4- year-old boy sitting with adult staff watching cartoons. Authorities said the adult who brought the boy wasn’t his parent and had a criminal record.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) April 2019 Thu, 25 Apr 2019 15:07:14 +0000
City recognizes dispatchers during National Telecommunicators Week http://www.thenewsgramonline.dyndns.org:81/index.php/texas/item/9662-city-recognizes-dispatchers-during-national-telecommunicators-week http://www.thenewsgramonline.dyndns.org:81/index.php/texas/item/9662-city-recognizes-dispatchers-during-national-telecommunicators-week City recognizes dispatchers during National Telecommunicators Week

The Eagle Pass City Council and Administration recognized the City Public Safety Telecommunications Operators

during their meeting held on Tuesday, April 16, 2019.

During the meeting, Eagle Pass Mayor Ramsey E. Cantu thanked all the law enforcement dispatchers for the work they do. Cantu officially named the week beginning on April 14 to 19, 2019, as Public Safety

Telecommunications Week. “Between the thin red line, the thin blue line and white line lies the thinnest gold line in the middle. That thin gold line represents those who aren’t ever seen but always heard and appreciated. That calm voice in the dark, the heroes behind the scenes, the golden link that holds it all together. That is you our dispatchers,” said Cantu. Mayor Cantu proceeded to present a proclamation to representatives of the City of Eagle Pass Police Department Dispatchers. Cantu expressed his gratitude to the employees present and to all those behind the operating of the emergency airwaves on a daily basis. “We thank you for all that you do to keep our community safe. These dedicated professionals save countless lives on a daily basis. ”

This week in April is designated across the United States as National Telecommunicators Week. It is during this week that communities across the nation recognize the important roles that 911 dispatchers play in public safety including in Eagle Pass and Maverick County. Eagle Pass Police Chief Albert Guajardo thanked the dispatchers for the work that they do day in and day out. Guajardo expressed the important role that the dispatchers have in our community’s policing and emergency responses.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) April 2019 Thu, 18 Apr 2019 00:12:17 +0000
Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza rescatan a una joven que se estaba ahogando http://www.thenewsgramonline.dyndns.org:81/index.php/texas/item/9654-agentes-de-la-patrulla-fronteriza-rescatan-a-una-joven-que-se-estaba-ahogando http://www.thenewsgramonline.dyndns.org:81/index.php/texas/item/9654-agentes-de-la-patrulla-fronteriza-rescatan-a-una-joven-que-se-estaba-ahogando Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza rescatan a una joven que se estaba ahogando

EAGLE PASS, Texas - Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza de los Estados Unidos

asignados a la unidad marina de Eagle Pass Station rescataron a un ciudadano hondureño de 17 años de edad que estaba a punto de ahogarse en el Río Grande.

"Este incidente sirve como un recordatorio de los peligros de cruzar la frontera ilegalmente", dijo el Jefe de Patrulla del Sector de Del Rio Raul L. Ortiz. "Si no fuera por la vigilancia de nuestros socios del Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass y la rápida respuesta de nuestros agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza, este incidente podría haber terminado trágicamente ".

El 8 de abril, un detective del Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass que apoyaba la Operación Stonegarden vio a una joven en apuros luchando por mantenerse a flote en el río y sumergirse en el agua. El detective notificó a los agentes marinos de la Patrulla Fronteriza que respondieron rápidamente en su bote de aire, localizaron a la niña y la sacaron del agua y la llevaron al bote. La joven estaba angustiada por la prueba pero ilesa.

La joven fue trasladada al Fort Duncan Medical Center para una evaluación, fue liberado y se reunió con su madre que cruzó el río antes sin ningún incidente. Ambos fueron procesados según las pautas de CBP. El Sector de la Patrulla Fronteriza de Del Rio es parte del Corredor de la Fuerza de Tarea Conjunta- Oeste-Sur de Texas, que aprovecha los recursos federales, estatales y locales para combatir a las organizaciones criminales transnacionales. Para informar sobre actividades sospechosas, llame al número gratuito del Sector Del Rio al 1-866-511-8727.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) April 2019 Tue, 16 Apr 2019 20:38:34 +0000